Local Community Engagement

Achieving success for the oil and gas industry goes beyond their business model. They understand the value of engaging the local communities to receive that “social license” to do business in their back yard. As the focus has changed from leasing and well pad development to the infrastructure build out, it is critical to have a pulse on the community and to provide factual information during the process. With so many local jurisdictions across the Commonwealth, it can be a daunting task to stay abreast of the activity.

We have strong relationships with elected officials and viewed as a trusted resource. We understand the working dynamics of local township government to help facilitate approvals, permits, and bonds. In addition to local government engagement, we have established relationships with state, county, and State Agency officials by providing them timely updates, information relevant to their constituents, and access to industry information and partners.

Henderson Consulting is here to assist you with:

  • Monitor grassroots efforts
  • Representation at local functions
  • Track and follow local ordinances
  • Local community engagement
  • Provide educational outreach